Website Terms & Conditions
The website is an Internet site owned by GARRUCHOS S.A., with registered office at Paraguay 1535, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, taxpayer ID CUIT 30-57621005-8.

This section contains the terms and conditions (hereinafter, the “Terms and Conditions”) governing access and/or use of the website (hereinafter, the “Website”) by any person accessing or using the Website (hereinafter, the “User/s”). These Terms and Conditions also govern the information and/or communications made through the Website.

The Website contains information about and/or connected with the products of Garruchos S.A., Tecnova S.A.U., Planificación Nuevas Tecnologías, Tecnosoja S.A.U., Compañía Argentina de Hacienda S.A., and Estancia San Francisco S.A.A.Y.C.

The abovementioned companies will be hereinafter collectively referred to as “Garruchos”.

1. Compliance with the Terms and Conditions
Any person willing to access and/or use the Website must do so subject to the provisions contained herein, and subject to any complementary or additional guidelines issued by Garruchos as well as those arising from all applicable legislation.
Any User who does not accept these Terms and Conditions when required to do so and/or who does not comply with the provisions herein must immediately cease to use and browse the Website, and refrain from accessing it later, and/or making any use whatsoever of the Website.
All visits by any User to the Website, including its legal effects, shall be governed by these Terms and Conditions.
The Terms and Conditions contained herein shall apply to all communications made through the Website.

2. Purpose of the Website
The Website is intended for the promotion and/or dissemination of the activities undertaken by Garruchos in its farming, livestock, dairy and breeding operations.

3. User Status
For the functionality of certain specific Website features, the User may be required to provide first and last name, as well as e-mail address, which information will be collected for the purpose of contacting the User later.
The User will be responsible for providing his/her data correctly.

4. Website Description. Information
Within the Website, the User may, among other activities:
• View institutional information about Garruchos that Garruchos decides to publish.
• Learn about Garruchos products.
• Read about initiatives, programs and/or activities underway or planned to be implemented.
• Find out about the certifications, regulations and/or procedures governing the operations of Garruchos.
• View the contact channels and/or send communications to Garruchos through the Contact form.
• Submit the User’s CV to apply for a job at Garruchos.
The content of the Website and/or the communication mechanisms to be used will be arranged and/or determined exclusively by Garruchos.
Garruchos assumes no responsibility and makes no representation or warranty regarding the information contained on the Website.
Garruchos will make every effort to keep the information regarding campaigns and/or activities up to date and current.
Any photographs and/or illustrations on the Website are displayed for descriptive and illustrative purposes only and do not in any way constitute a contractual obligation for Garruchos.
Garruchos reserves the right to modify, change, add or remove the information and/or content of the Website at any time and without prior notice.
Garruchos does not market products or services through the Website. Any reference to products or services on this Website does not constitute an offer to sell the product or service in question and does not mean that the product or service is available in all countries or that the name, description, or specification of the product or service will be identical to that contained on the Website.
If you would like specific advice regarding the availability and suitability of any particular product or service, please contact Garruchos through the communication channels provided on the Website.

5. Disclaimer
Notwithstanding any other provision contained in these Terms and Conditions, Garruchos informs the Users, and the Users accept and agree to the following:
Liability: Garruchos is not liable for any event that may occur due to unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure, nor for any climate phenomena or events of nature whose occurrence may prevent, delay or otherwise hinder the total or partial performance of the activities and/or campaigns carried out, promoted, communicated or mentioned by Garruchos on the Website.

6. Personal Data Processing
Garruchos undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of the personal data received and to treat such data as confidential.
To this end, Garruchos will have the necessary measures in place to prevent the alteration or loss of personal data, or its unauthorized processing and access.
The User accepts that the personal data provided by the User will be entered into an automated database, owned by Garruchos, to formalize potential communications with Users.
The User will be responsible, in any case, for the truthfulness of the data provided and undertakes to notify Garruchos of any change in said data. Garruchos reserves the right to exclude from its communications any User who has provided false data, notwithstanding any other legally appropriate actions.
The User accepts that Garruchos may transfer his/her personal data to third parties related to Garruchos.
The User accepts that Garruchos has the right to communicate with the User by post, telephone or electronic means, to send any information that Garruchos deems relevant at its sole discretion, including advertising and information about campaigns and/or activities. The User acknowledges that Garruchos shall not be liable for any illegitimate use of the User’s personal data by third parties.
Garruchos relies on employees and suppliers to carry out communications and/or the operation of the Website. Garruchos may share the personal data provided by Users with such employees and suppliers, provided that third parties use their personal data only on behalf of Garruchos and in accordance with Garruchos’ instructions. Providers include, but are not limited to, companies that develop and/or are responsible for the maintenance of the Website.
The User may only provide third-party data when the User has previously obtained written authorization from third parties to provide such data to Garruchos.
The data owner may exercise the rights of access, rectification and/or deletion of personal data. To that end, the User must formalize such a request through the contact channels indicated in these Terms and Conditions.

7. Database Violations
Any action or use of devices, software or other instruments aimed at interfering with the activities and operations of Garruchos, or with the descriptions, accounts or databases of Garruchos, is unlawful. Any interference, attempt or activity that violates or infringes the laws on intellectual property rights, system security, and/or the prohibitions set forth in these Terms and Conditions will make the person responsible liable to relevant legal actions and sanctions according to law.

8. Intellectual Property
Except in the case of third-party rights recognized by Garruchos, the contents of the Website, as well as the information, trademarks, trade names, designations, data, texts, graphics, images, designs, photographs, audios, videos, logos, icons, programs, databases and files, are the exclusive property of Garruchos and/or its related companies, and are protected by international laws and treaties on copyright, trademarks, patents, models and industrial designs. It is forbidden to reproduce, use, alter, distribute or communicate, by any means whatsoever, all or part of the contents of the Website without the prior and express written authorization of Garruchos.

9. Links or Hyperlinks on the Website
The hyperlinks or links included in the Garruchos Website connecting to third-party websites are intended to improve the User’s browsing experience on the Website, making tools, content and services provided by third parties other than Garruchos available to the User.
Garruchos does not control, endorse or guarantee the security, quality, lawfulness, truthfulness or suitability of the services and content offered or provided by third parties when outside the Website. Therefore, Garruchos will not be liable for any damages that may be experienced by Users who purchase products or use services provided by third parties.
Access to and use of websites accessible through links appearing on the Garruchos Website shall be the sole responsibility of the User, who shall be responsible for taking all required precautions according to the type of service, content accessed or product purchased.
Any User who believes a page accessible through the Website to be inappropriate may submit a complaint or recommendation to Garruchos through the contact channels specified in these Terms and Conditions.

10. Use of the Website
Any use of the Website that is intended to harm the rights of Garruchos, harm the rights of third parties or infringe the legal order or that constitutes an offensive practice against system security and integrity will be considered a prohibited use of the services or contents, as it violates the purposes for which the Website was made available to Users.
The following actions are strictly forbidden and Users shall refrain from them: a) submitting comments whose content includes, but is not limited to, illegal, obscene, abusive, defamatory, libelous statements or statements contrary to good morals; b) sending files containing viruses or any other feature that may damage the operation of a computer, the Website or the system; c) using the Website to violate any applicable law; (d) submitting false information; e) using automated or manual programs, software or devices to monitor or copy the information or any content of the Website. If any User is affected by any content and/or information referred to in this paragraph, they must contact Garruchos using the contact channels indicated in these Terms and Conditions.
Garruchos is not responsible for the accuracy of the information that may be added to the Website by any third parties.

11. Control Measures
Without limiting any legal actions vested in Garruchos and/or third parties, when the use of the Website by a User may be considered unlawful or against system security and integrity, Garruchos will take the measures it deems appropriate at its sole discretion, including discontinuing or preventing access for the Users it deems appropriate, without any prior notice being required for this.
In particular, an illegal use or a use against system security and integrity will be deemed to have occurred if:
a) There is a violation of any law, the rights of third parties, public order, morality and good customs, or any of the stipulations of the Terms and Conditions and/or any other provision to be duly communicated by Garruchos.
b) The User fails to comply with any of the User’s commitments.
c) At Garruchos’ discretion, fraudulent behaviors or acts have been committed.
d) It is not possible to verify the identity of the User, or any information provided by the User is incorrect.

12. Interruptions. Website Availability
Garruchos reserves the right to interrupt, cancel or change at any time, either temporarily or permanently, the contact channels offered on the Website. The consent of the Users will not be required, nor will any prior notice be necessary.
Garruchos will make its best efforts to maintain and improve the functionality of the Website; however, it does not guarantee continued and uninterrupted access to and use of the Website. The system may from time to time be unavailable due to technical issues or connectivity failures, or due to any other circumstance beyond the control of Garruchos; in such cases, Garruchos will endeavor to restore it as quickly as possible, without being held liable for any such occurrence.
Use of the Website by the Users implies acceptance that it is impossible to produce programs that are absolutely free of errors and that not all errors are subject to remediation. Garruchos does not warrant that the functions contained on the Website will run properly on all devices, or that the operation of the Website will be free of interruptions or errors, or that all errors on the Website will be resolved. In the event that a User detects and requests the correction of any defect on the Website, the User must submit a request for correction to Garruchos by means of a written notice with sufficient information that allows the possible defect to be properly identified. Garruchos undertakes to make its best efforts to deliver the solution to the defect indicated within the shortest time possible.
Garruchos does not guarantee the accuracy of the information and data included on the Website and shall not be liable for any errors or omissions contained therein. Under no circumstances shall Garruchos be held accountable for the provision and implementation of the activities and/or campaigns that may be published on the Website.

13. Access to the Website
Without prejudice to the obligation to abide by these Terms and Conditions, the services and content offered on the Website are freely accessible by Internet users.
Open access does not include Internet connection facilities. Under no circumstances will Garruchos provide Users with the connectivity necessary for them to access the Internet. The technical means required to access the Internet shall be obtained by the User at the User’s expense.
Garruchos reserves the right to modify, change, add or remove the access conditions at any time, and to publish such changes on the Website.

14. Use of Cookies
The Website may use a tracking system with cookies. This is used, without limitation, to enable a more seamless access to information when browsing from page to page. In some cases, it also helps to identify Users. These cookies are small files sent by the visited page that are stored on the computer’s hard drive, taking up little space. Users may, using their browser options, limit or restrict the hosting of these cookies at will. The system will be able to collect information about Users’ preferences and interests. The information collected may be used, among other purposes, for statistical purposes and to improve the services provided on the Website.

15. Changes and Modifications
Garruchos may introduce any changes and modifications it deems appropriate, at its sole discretion, to these Terms and Conditions, at any time and without prior notice, to which end, publication of the modified version of the Terms and Conditions will suffice. The User undertakes to verify the existence of changes and/or updates to these Terms and Conditions each time the User accesses the Website. By using the Website, the User will provide the User’s unconditional acceptance of any such changes and/or updates.

16. Contact Information
Users who wish to contact Garruchos must address their communications to [****], at which address said communications will be deemed valid. Any written communication to be sent by post should be addressed to Paraguay 1535, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, República Argentina, Subject: Garruchos Website Terms and Conditions.

17. Severability
If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is deemed to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect provided that the remaining essential provisions reflect the original intent herein.

18. Scope
The content included on the Website is legitimate under the laws of the Argentine Republic, and is not intended for or directed to those Users who are located outside the country.

19. Jurisdiction and Governing Law
These Terms and Conditions are governed without exception and in all respects by the laws of the Argentine Republic and will be interpreted in accordance with them. In the event of any difference, disagreement or conflict arising from the interpretation, validity, scope and/or application of these Terms and Conditions, Users shall contact Garruchos through the contact channels indicated in these Terms and Conditions. In the event that it is not possible to reach a solution, and in order to guarantee the Users’ full access to justice, Users may choose to submit their claim to the appropriate administrative or judicial authority.